This program consists of more than 30 topics and more than 100 subtopics or subjects. Subjects cover most of typical Americans deal with daily. 

Readers can review the list of topics here:

Each subject is presented by a video or lesson.  Sample:

Videos will be available in YouTube, free of charge. Sample:

Videos and Lessons will be available in this website for downloading, with a fee. Sample:

Please click this link to read instructions of how to participate


American spoken language for every day living in the USA. This program is for Migrants, Immigrants, and Visitors to the USA to prepare essential language skills

Most Complete Language Program

Links between this Website Lessons and YouTube Videos give viewers the most effective tools to learn practical American language.

Watch licensed USA Immigration lawyers talking about most types of Visas that may related to your plan to live or work in the USA

Information about studying  in the USA for Students, Doctors, Dentists, Psychiatrists, Engineers and others:

Information about investing in the USA


Who can Benefit From This Program

“American Language for Immigrants” provides conversations and knowledge in both English and your native language if:

• You plan to go to the USA for business, pleasure or visit (B1, B2 Visa)

• You plan to work in the USA and seek green cards so you can live and work in the USA much longer (EB3 Visa)

• You are a green card holder and want to become a US citizen (Citizenship Test)

•You are a Medical Doctor, a Dentist, a Psychiatrist, a Nurse and want to earn License to practice in the USA (J1 and  other Visa)

• You are a professional and want to work in the USA (H1-A, B Visa) after passing the English test

• You are an investor and want to migrate to the USA (L1, L3 Visa)


USA is a country of immigrants. Before it became America, this place was called Zuania or Abya-Yala, and the current 70+ millions indegenious people whose their ancestors have been living here thousands of years, have been locating all over America continent. 

Nowaday, millions of people around the world still want to live, work or visit the USA and the demand for their English fluency is more important than ever.

Faculty and staff at UOCS have dedicated their time and expertize to come up with this language program to assist any one who wants to migrate to the USA, with basic English skills.

EARN A DIPLOMA IN “AMERICAN LANGUAGE CONVERSATIONS FOR IMMIGRANTS” while learning from and with videos and lessons

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